We have been granted authorization by diverse Maritime Administrations to function as a Recognized Organization (RO), representing them in conducting surveys and issuing Statutory Certificates. Our activities encompass the performance of surveys and the issuance of certificates in strict compliance with the regulations outlined in the IMO Codes and regulations, and relevant national legislation governing the safety of life at sea and the prevention of marine pollution.
- International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships 1969:
- International Tonnage Certificate
- National Tonnage Certificate
- International Convention on Load Lines:
- International Load Line Certificate
- Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
- Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
- Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate
- Document Of Compliance for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods
- Document Of Authorization for The Carriage of Grain
- Continuos Synopsis Record
- Cargo Ship Safety Certificate for Vessel Under 500 GRT
- Cargo Ship Safety Radiotelephony for Vessel Under 300 GRT
- Document Of Compliance, Safety Management Certificate
- International Ship Security Certificate
- Maritime Labour Convention Certificate
- Minimum Safe Manning Document
- Certificate Of Inspection of Crew Accommodations (CICA)
- Exemptions And Dispense Letters
- International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
- International Pollution Prevention Certificate for The Carriage Of Noxious Liquid Substances In Bulk
- Certificate Of Fitness for Garbage Pollution Prevention
- International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate
- International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
- International Energy Efficiency Certificate
- International Antifouling Systems Certificate
- BCH Code: Certificate Of Fitness for The Carriage Of Dangerous Chemicals In Bulk
- International Certificate for The Construction And Equipment Of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals In Bulk (IBC)
- Ballast Water Management:
- Ballast Water Management Certificate
- Ballast Water Management Plan Approval
- SEEMP Part I And SEEMP Part II
- Document Of Compliance for The Carriage of Solid Bulk Cargo
- Certificate Of Fitness for The Carriage of Liquified Gas in Bulk
- Safety Certificate for Pleasure Vessel
- Fishing Vessel Safety Certificate
- Caribbean Cargo Ship Safety Certificate
- Cargo Gear Certificate
- Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate
- MODU And MOU Safety Certificate
- Bunker Certificate
- CLC Certificate
- Wreck Removal Certificate
- Minimum Safe Manning for One Single Voyage
- Exemptions
- Extensions
- Authorization Letter to proceed.
- Sewage Treatment Discharge
- Company Security Declaration Endorsement
- DPA and Company Declaration Endorsement
- Fishing Vessel Safety Certificate
- Pleasure Vessel Safety Certificate